Cypher query runs in Sandbox, but not in AuraDB
I'm learning about Neo4j and playing around with it. I build a query in the sandbox and when I went to re-run it on an AuraDB instance, it gave me an error:
Client ID and Client Secret must be provided"
After some googling/docs it seemed like I needed to create and use API Keys, but my account has the "Create" button disabled for unstated reasons.
What's going on? I would have assumed I can query my own instance of Aura. No?
Nissanka Fernando
Hi Brian,
Sorry about these issues getting started. How/where were you ‘re-running’ the query?
Creating API keys in the Aura console is for programmatically managing your instances rather than sending queries.
The fastest way to get started querying is to use the Cypher Fundamentals interactive guide in the Aura Console, you can find this and more info on how to use drivers by clicking the ‘Learn’ button near your profile in the Aura Console.
Let me know how it goes.